I would like to personally invite you to join us in our worship service each Sunday morning. Worship services are held every Sunday in the sanctuary and live on Facebook. At 9:00 AM we hold our contemporary service and a more traditional service at 11:00 AM. Previously recorded services are located on our Messages page to watch anytime at your convenience.
You'll find our service is a source of blessing and spiritual nourishment that helps you grow deeper in your relationship with God each and every week.
I look forward to seeing you.
Pastor's Note
A Note from Rev. Casey Estler, Senior Pastor
Wesley's Sermon: The Good Steward
The Judge of all will then inquire, "How didst thou employ thy soul? I entrusted thee with an immortal spirit, endowed with various powers and faculties, with understanding, imagination, memory, will, affections. I gave thee withal full and express directions, how all these were to be employed. Didst thou employ thy understanding, as far as it was capable, according to those directions; namely, in the knowledge of thyself and me - my nature, my attributes? - my works, whether of creation, of providence, or of grace? - in acquainting thyself with my word? - in using every means to increase thy knowledge thereof? - in meditating thereon day and night? Didst thou employ thy memory, according to my will, in treasuring up whatever knowledge thou hadst acquired, which might conduce to my glory, to thy own salvation, or the advantage of others? Didst thou store up therein, not things of no value, but whatever instruction thou hadst learned from my word; and whatever experience thou hadst gained of my wisdom, truth, power, and mercy? Was thy imagination employed, not in painting vain images, much less such as nourished "foolish and hurtful desires;" but in representing to thee whatever would profit thy soul, and awaken thy pursuit of wisdom and holiness? Didst thou follow my directions with regard to thy will? Was it wholly given up to me? Was it swallowed up I mine, so as never to oppose, but always run parallel with it? Were thy affections placed and regulated in such a manner as I appointed in my word? Didst thou give me thy heart? Didst thou not love the world, neither the things of the world? Was I the object of they love? Was all thy desire unto me, and unto the remembrance of my name? Was I the joy of thy heart, the delight of thy soul, the chief among ten thousand? Didst thou sorrow for nothing, but what grieved my spirit? Didst thou fear and hate nothing but sin? Did the whole stream of thy affections flow back to the ocean from whence they came? Were thy thoughts employed according to my will - not in ranging to the ends of the earth, not on folly, or sin; but on 'whatsoever things were pure, whatsoever things were holy," on whatsoever was conducive to my glory, and to 'peace and good-will among men?'"
Pastor Casey